The serene ambience inspires a love for reading. Information at the click of a finger tip invites the youngers to develop into the magical world of words and the wealth of research material available. The reference library which houses over 54,000 books, is a treasure trove of information that has been built assiduously over a span of more than 2 decades and continues to grow each year. We inculcate the habit of reading. Reading alone makes the man perfect. Our library serves the purpose of enhancing the reading.


Avast expanse of 10 acres provides a perfect ambience for an aesthetically chartered school building. The lung space is marked with colorful bonanza of fresh floral bounty. The colorful and vibrant buildings of Glory School stand out as symbols of hope in a rural backdrop. The building design promotes natural flow of light and air, thereby saving electricity and providing a conducive and joyful learning environment to the children. The school contains more than 40 classrooms.



The House activities are an integral part of the school curriculum. The entire school, including the staff members is divided into Four Houses. The school offers excellent coaching and provides students with ample opportunity to participate and excel at District, National & International level events and competitions. Outdoor sports at school include volleyball, hand ball, throw ball, kho-kho and tenni-koit and a range of athletic sports. Indoor sports include badminton, carom and chess. Sports has always been an integral part of the Glory curriculum.

About Our School

Glory Matriculation School is one of the best school offering education in par with the International standards and all-round development of a child in the fields of Art, Crafts, Yoga, Music, Sports and other extra curricular activities as well as special attention for children with learning difficulties.

Our school aims to deliver an educational program beyond the limits of the academic curriculum. It offers a wholesome and sound education. The School is second to none in the exciting possibilities it has with the most modern facilities on campus and a faculty rich in talent and experience.



Education is a continuous process by which a generation is prepared for the future by being provided with as many opportunities as possible to develop every aspect of personality, in order to sustain the time-tested institutions which maintain law, order and harmony in the world.

Our Specialities

Creativity is the key to success in the future, and primary education is where teachers can bring creativity in chidren.