The serene ambience inspires a love for reading. Information at the click of a finger tip invites the youngers to develop into the magical world of words and the wealth of research material available. The reference library which houses over 54,000 books, is a treasure trove of information that has been built assiduously over a span of more than 2 decades and continues to grow each year. We inculcate the habit of reading. Reading alone makes the man perfect. Our library serves the purpose of enhancing the reading.
We provide the students with as many co-curricular and social skills which are also very much required for success in a society which has been radically revolutionized by the inflow of expertise and information on every subject. Students are guided to participate in almost all the competitions organized by various clubs and other organizations. Every year the students participate in STARZ, TALENTIA, KIDS CARNIVAL, ANITHA MEMORIAL QUIZ, Y’S MEN CLUB competitions and bring laurels to the school. Separate coaches for Dance and Keyboards are there for the benefit of the students to train them for these competitions.
Opportunities for enrichment give children a sense of accomplishment and self esteem. To bring out the latent talent in each child- keeping the school’s culture of ‘Every Child a Winner’- a variety of Clubs offer students a wide array of activities.